Almost One of the Locals
You know you’re a native or naturalized Washingtonian when ... you no longer even notice the rain.
This thought occurred to me as I was hunched down on the pavement, installing a replacement stereo speaker in my van. In the rain. My leather jacket is currently hanging in the kitchen, drying out; it had gotten waterlogged while I was out there, but I hadn’t noticed.
This happens a lot, after you’ve lived here long enough to realize that in the soggy winter months, postponing anything until the sun comes out means that it will never happen. So natives and long-timers go jogging, walk the dog, even mow the lawn in the rain. I don’t mow my lawn in the rain, nor do I ride my bicycle (I hate the feel of road film up my back). So I’m not quite naturalized yet.
However, I am no longer puzzled when I see people at the car wash, scrubbing their cars in the rain. Road film also collects on cars, of course, and one has to remove it sooner or later regardless of the car's inability to dry off afterwards.